Ability active in torpor 11 Ability usable in torpor 36 Action continue as if unblocked 15 Action continues not specifically from block 10 Action creating vampire 13 Action not replaced 7 Action only usable by vampire in torpor 5 Action targeting locked minion 14 Action targeting unlocked minion 6 Action targeting vampire in torpor 14 Adding costs to a strike 3 After Combat Ends 19 Allies who can play as a vampire 20 Animal 13 Automatic environmental press 2 Black Hand 66 Blood loss after combat ends 7 Burn blood for effect 42 Burn blood for effect (mandatory) 32 Burn blood to attempt to block 2 Can draw during action 4 Cancel 71 Cancel an action 19 Cancel as a reaction 16 Cancel with no action 3 Cannot strike 8 Cards holding cards 14 Cards that replace themselves 2 Change the target of a bleed 8 Changes controller of location 2 Circle 20 Clan equipment 25 Cost X 10 Damage after combat ends 5 Directed at a card 10 Discounts for rescue 9 Environmental damage 18 From ash heap to deck 4 Ghoul 30 Hunt bonus 13 Immune to damage 10 Impersonating a title for political action 5 Impersonating requirements for cards not played normally 14 Impersonating requirements to play cards 13 Impersonating title for non-existent sect 5 Improve weapon before resolution 7 Is affected by BCAN 3 Justicar title vote without Camarilla 5 Locquipments 17 Master on vampire who can use it 2 Meets a single discipline 24 Meets inferior discipline 24 Meets missing disciplines 27 Minus Intercept 7 Minus stealth 7 Modifier after combat 4 Modifier as announced 29 Multi-discipline 172 Non-locking referendum ability 12 Once each turn 34 Optional press 41 Permanent not replaced 9 Personal titles 42 Play stored card as if from hand 8 Played after resolution 18 Pool gain after referendum 2 Prevent non-aggravated 14 Prevent normal unlock 23 Provide multiple actions 19 Reactions targeting another player 13 Reduce votes 8 Reflex 14 Replace next turn 10 Require Gehenna 11 Require a Baron 7 Requires successful action 12 Retainer doing damage 11 Retainer that strike 9 Retainer with discipline level 12 Retainers and equipment put on different minion 5 Scarce 34 Set range in next round 3 Shuffle when burned 7 Since your last turn 17 Special Hunt action 11 Stealth from random effect 2 Temporary control 6 Title providing action 7 Title providing capacity 11 Triggered by block 8 True Brujah 10 Unconditional referendum ability 6 Unique Trifle 7 Unique cards with burn option 18 Usable during the polling step 56 Vote damaging multiple players 10 Vote playable once per game 3 Weapon once per combat 6 Weapon once per round 5 Weapon with optional maneuver 9